Nordic Value

Kronborg near Marienlyst. Well preserved moat castle and the main income stream for Kingdom of Denmark for four centuries until 1850s

Nordic Value 2024 

Nordic Value 2024 took place on 21-22 May 2024 at Marienlyst Strandhotel. The 35 participants shared their 35 investment methods (all fundamental driven) and illustrated via 35 company or thematic pitches. The accumulated number of years of experience was 550 years in 2023 and in 2024 it exceeded 700 years. One year more for most participants and 10 more participants as the dominating factor. 

In the 2024 version there was lot's of cases in the techspace (software, semi, digital platforms), while energy and fossil fuels had few mentions. Only participants have the list on pitched methods and cases. 

Nordic Value is for entusiastic and experienced investors, family offices, asset managers, fund managers a.o. and the whole idea is to have a good time, exchange investment ideas, come home with inspiration and a smile after meeting old and new investment friends

If you're interested to join in 2025 please reach out to  with  a short introductory email as there a vetting of participants.  It's going to take place in late may 2025

Marienlyst is a beach hotel from 1860s and located in walking distance from Kronborg Castle. 45-60 minutes by train from Copenhagen Airport and Copenhagen City center

Nordic Value 2023 

Nordic Value 2023 for experienced investment entuisiast was held at Marienlyst Strandhotel, outside Copenhagen on 21-22 May 2023

Investors presented their overall investment philosophy or method as well as an investment case or thesis as a pitch for inspiration for the other participants.  The 25 participants in the room had a combined investment expience of more than 550 years. Rolled backward it's 1473 or before Columbus sailed to America. 

The key findings in 2023 was that many good and solid companies got caught up in the maelstroem of higher interest rates and lower valuations in 2022. Hence they now offer an attractive entry point. Several of the pitched companies where fallen angels of the Covid high flyer period, but also insurance had a fair share of attention as higher interest rates and harder pricing in reinsurance supports cash flows of the industry. 

Investment ideas, scorecards, write-ups and presentations is only for attendees

Nordic Value Investor Conference 2019

Was held on 3rd June 2019 at Blox in Copenhagen

NVIC conferences are for investors, family offices, asset managers and fund selectors. The investor profile is solid due diligence, unique and individual approach to return and risk profile, which implies a prudent valuation appraoch

Key investment discussions were around the return profile going forward, physical assets vs financial assets and investment methods for sustainable good performance

Investment ideas and scorecards only for attendees

Nordic Value Investor Conference 2018

Was held at Hotel Admiral - Copenhagen - on 14th June 2018

The key investment discussions for participants and presenters centered around value investment as selection method and when the value approach will be coming back to provide good returns. Or will we continue to see fast growth companies in digital, biotech and conceptual business disrupters continue to leave value investors in the dust?

Another subject of discussion was the impact from fewer sell side analysts which leaves small/mid cap companies 'under investigated' and hence good hunting ground for independent value investors. New regulation only started in 2018, so the coming years will show how this plays out.

Several investors pointed to the fact that the China infrastructure driven boom in 2000’s and the subsequent lower investments in 2010’s has left several segments underinvested. With steady global growth (assuming a harmful global trade war is avoided) the supply/demand balance is turning in favor of miners, shipping and other traditional cyclical industries. 

Time will show and for Nordic Value Investor Conference 2019 the scorecards will be updated. Investment cases takes several years to unfold, so scorecard 2018 will continue to be updated